I was in my favorite store recently, when a young family was blocking the way. The mother looked up and told her children, “Move over, kids, and let the old man by.”

Old man, indeed!  I looked at them and just shook my head in amazement, and drove the power cart  around them.  Why, I’m not so old, am I? I decided that there must be a test I can take.  I mean, you can find anything on the internet, can’t you? But to my dismay, I could find no such thing.  So, I
did what any young, er, mature guy would do. I made one up. Of course, I knew I had to share it with you. Here goes.

You’re only as old as you feel.

I woke up this morning, feeling pretty good. Then I tried to get up.  Let’s see…Back didn’t hurt…too much…knees didn’t lock up – well both of them  didn’t.

All your senses are alert.

My wife said something as I was getting up. I put my hearing aids in and  asked her to repeat it.  She asked
me to fix some breakfast, I agreed. When it was ready, I put my teeth in and we enjoyed a good meal.

Your body is firm and  youthful.

Hmmm… Hair is grey, skin is wrinkled, I have a spare tire big enough for  a semi truck.  Doesn’t look good
for me.

As you get older, you get wiser.

Score one for older, wiser, not so much. That’s a plus,  right?

All this is, of course, in jest. There is no test to determine if  you are old. What we need to remember, is, as we age, we owe the next generation, and need to share the values we were raised with. Things like respect, and empathy. We need to instill in them a solid value system. The ten commandments is a good start. I respectfully ask each of you to look at your life, and ask yourself – Am I getting old? Or just feeling that  way?

Good thing the test was made up, for I was getting worried.

Be blessed, today and

  Long ago, I learned that there were seven deadly sins. You know, the biggies like wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. After I looked and saw that I haven't posted in almost a year, I decided that there is an eighth- procrastination. Yep, I'm guilty as sin....that's a joke, folks. 

   It's not like I haven't been on the road, reflecting on life, and other good stuff, or that God hasn't put anything on my heart to share..... I've just been a dirty, rotten procastinater.  I've even procrastinated about this entry about procrastination.  GASP!! Oh the Horror!!  Say it isn't so!

  As I move through life God puts things on my heart to share, so that one person, or group receives His word. When I fail to pass along that message, I have disobeyed God, hence the sin. Perhaps, the procrastination was to give me the reason for this entry, so...I don't know!!

  Some of you my find this to be a little preachy. Please forgive me for that, as I try not to be that way, but this has been heavy on my heart lately.

  At any rate, here is what I wish to share with you - Life is fleeting. We do not know, with any certainty what lies before us each day. Recent events in Boston show this to be so very true. A trusted advisor, known as El Pastor Viejo (The old preacher) recently shared on his facebook page the thoughts of one of his parishoners. In short, it said that God had laid upon her heart that the rapture was imminent. So, those fellow procastinators out there, get it in gear! If you don't know GOD, look into your heart and find him. He is there, I promise! Don't let the layers of life get in your way. Like an onion, peel away all the petty things (that you probably think are important) and understand that God LOVES YOU unconditionally, no matter what you have done in or with your life. Jesus died on Calvary's cross to give us this. Don't waste this precious gift.

  Christians - we are the church. Each of us has a ministry to share what we know. PLEASE, don't commit the 8th deadly sin!

  Don't think this is only about God. We all have things that we have put off doing, or saying. Whether it be telling someone how you feel, or righting a wrong in your life, Do it. Just do it.

  So there isn't any misunderstanding, I love each and every one of you, friends, family, aquaintances and even enemies alike. Life is too short to carry grudges and hurts.

Be blessed!